Facebook, One Post that Made the Rounds

A famous saying being posted on Facebook:

“Not once does the Bible say,

‘worry about it,’

‘stress over it,’

or ‘figure it out’.

But over and over

it clearly says, ‘Trust God’.

Let’s take this line by line. The first line states “NOT ONCE DOES THE BIBLE SAY,” and then gives three statements that do not not appear in the Bible. The first of which is “worry about it,” In all actuality, those three words are strung together at least once in the Bible. You will find that in several English translations in 1 Cor. 7:20. However, there is a couple of key words in front of these three words. Those words are “DO NOT”. Funny thing about that statement though. It is proceeded in verse 20 by another statement followed by a question: “Let each one remain in that situation in life in which he was called. [21]Were you called as a slave?”. (NET)

A search of the second phrase “stress over it”, reveals that it is truly not in the Bible in those words.

The third phrase however is found int the NLTse, we do find these words in that exact order! Judges 14:13b “Three days later they were still trying to figure it out.

And although the thought of “trust God” is truly there, not once in the KJV, NASB, nor in the NET are the two words “trust God” strung together.

Be very careful of absolute statements like this concerning the Word of God, especially on social media.

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