2023 Week 2 Daily Readings

For those following daily, please accept my apologies for being late this week. I promise to do better in the future! At any time if you have any questions, please use the contact button at the top of your screen to ask questions or make suggestions for helping.

Sunday January 8 – Job 11:1-14:22

Monday January 9 – Job 15:1-18:21

Tuesday January 10 – Job 19:1-21:34

Wednesday January 11 –Job 22:1-26:14

Thursday January 12 – Job 27:1-29:25

Friday January 13 – Job 30:1-31:40

Saturday January 14 – Job 32:1-34:37

Sunday January 15 – visit Blacksburg First Church of God in Blacksburg, VA in person and hear a sermon from these passages. It could be a summary, or a more detailed sermon from one of the passages.

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