2023 Week 9 Daily Readings

We begin Numbers. Do not let these genealogies throw you off course! Yes they can be boring and may not make sense for you. They are in the Bible for a reason. Pronunciation will be difficult! In the next week or two, check here for a link to assist in enunciating these Hebrew names. Just plug away at it.

Sunday February 26 – Numbers 1:1-2:34

Monday February 27 – Numbers 3:1-4:33

Tuesday February 28 – Numbers 4:34-6:27

Wednesday March 1 – Numbers 7:1-89

Thursday March 2 – Numbers 8:1-10:36

Friday March 3 – Numbers 11:1-13:33

Saturday March 4 – Numbers 14:1-15:41

Since these posts are typically typed will before being posted, the pastor is wondering what is the sermon going to be on this week? LOL! Come find out Sunday!

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