2023 Week 24 Daily Readings

We are now back into the narratives in Kings and Chronicles. If you use a standard paper Bible with these references, there is a lot of page flipping. Prior to this week, there was a lot of tapping back and forth even for the electronic Bibles. New advancements in software now allow readers here to do one click per day and Biblegateway.com will bring up each passage in a single scroll page! I hope you like this enhancement.

Sunday June 11 – 1Ki 12:1-19; 2Ch 10:1-19; 1Ki 12:20-24; 2Ch 11:1-4; 1Ki 12:25-31; 2Ch 11:13-17; 1Ki 12:32-13:34

Monday June 12 – 1Ki 14:1-18; 2Ch 11:5-12,18-23; 1Ki 14:22-28; 2Ch 12:1-12; Ps 89:1-52

Tuesday June 13 – 1Ki 14:29-31; 2Ch 12:15-16; 1Ki 15:1-8; 2Ch 13:1-20a,21-14:1a; 1Ki 15:9-11; 2Ch 14:1b-7; 1Ki 14:19-20; 2Ch 13:20b; 1Ki 15:25-31; 2Ch 14:8-15:7; 1Ki 15:12-15; 2Ch 15:8-19

Wednesday June 14 – 1Ki 15:33-34,16,32,17-22; 2Ch 16:1-10; 1Ki 16:1-33; 15:23-24; 2Ch 16:11-14; 1Ki 22:41-46; 2Ch 20:31-34; 17:1-18:1; 1Ki 16:34

Thursday June 15 – 1Ki 17:1-19:21

Friday June 16 – Ps 104:1-35; 114:1-8; 115:1-18; 1Ki 20:1-43

Saturday June 17 –1Ki 21:1-29; 22:51-53,1-35; 2Ch 18:2-34

Sunday June 18 – I hope you are learning during this historical narrative portion of the Bible.

See you in Church!

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