2023 Week 52 Daily Reading

This is typically a busy time for all Christians. We pray you are able to keep up with the reading. Seems like we should be reading the Gospels. But to finish out the Bible in One Year Chronologically, below is the passages for this week.

Sunday December 24 – Heb 10:19-12:29

Monday December 25 – Heb 13:1-25; 1Jn 1:1-3:24

Tuesday December 26 – 1Jn 4:1-5:21; 2Jn 1-13; 3Jn 1-14; Rev 1:1-20

Wednesday December 27 – Rev 2:1-5:14

Thursday December 28 – Rev 6:1-10:11

Friday December 29 – Rev 11:1-14:20

Saturday December 30 – Rev 15:1-18:24

Sunday December 31– Rev 19:1-22:21

We normally do not post the second Sunday of the week’s reading. However, because it finishes the Bible for the year, we have it posted. We will end the year with a sermon from the end of the Bible! We will be here at our normal time of 11:15 a.m. Come hear a message from these passages! 110 Roanoke Street East, Blacksburg, VA. See you in Church!

Also, the new year will not be posted each week. We will attempt to have some guided readings, but as of this writing, (staging this post in November) we are not sure what that will be. If you desire to read through the scripture chronologically, one recommendation is the print version of The One Year Chronological Bible. It may only available in ESV. The alternative is installing PocketBible software on your device and purchasing your favorite version of the scriptures if it is not already in the application. Then purchase The One Year Chronological Bible PocketBible devotional. Click the links in the app and bring up the passages and any related commentaries you have installed. If you have enjoyed these passages, let us know via commenting, or even better, visit us Sunday morning.

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