What a crazy year we have experienced! The international scene has been super crazy – North Korea, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Jordan, well nearly all of the Middle East, has something going on! Nationally, we saw an election that will reinstate a prior president that had consecutive terms interrupted by election that saw millions more votes cast that ever before, and in this year’s election. Yet they called this win a landslide victory. Our state suffered trajedy this past fall, though not nearly as bad as the mountains of our southern neighbor. North Carolina will be years cleaning up from the aftermath of hurricane Helene. Our little church here in Blacksburg Virginia also suffered loss, fortunately, only property! Our kitchen fellowship hall had a fire occur between plaster and brick and into the attic space (non-accessible). Although the fire was contained to the wall space and attic, the damage from putting it out, was tremendous. No use of the building due to the electrical repairs taking months to get complete enough to use the untouched portions of the building. Praise God we are nearly completely recovered from this incident. Since that time, we have seen some growth in attendance, plus, we have held our first holiday meal and participated in the Blacksburg
Holiday Parade with our CHRISTmas themed float. We have seen multiple members healed of various ailments this year! Our increase in attendance is a combination of prior members returning, family members of current members coming, and some of those are people that have never really attended church previously! We are very thankful and we are greatly looking forward to what
2025 holds for our church and it’s people! Be watching for our next events! Better yet, come join us and help us plan them! Our next known event is our Valentine’s Dinner! Since February 14 is on a Friday this year, we will be holding it on February 14th at 6:00 pm. And by then, the kitchen should be in 100% use! We look forward to the new year with you!
Want to see pictures from three of our fall events? Come see our bulletin board in the Sanctuary this coming Sunday!