Between events – Special writing

We are currently between events. We wanted to update this page. How about a special writing? The following encouraging prose is the product of Stephanie Crowder. Written nearly eleven years ago.

If you like her work, we may create a page here for her to share other writings. Let her know what you think.


Lord help me to resolve worry and doubt

and to remember, you love this child, from the inside out

I believe in life after death for I’m going to live forever in a glorious kingdom, my attitude and gratitude lie nestled deep in a love of the LORD

My GPS is loaded, my destination is locked and I’m headed home toward heaven

God calls you and me to take a leap of faith. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and yet certain of what we can not see.

Our days on this earth are numbered, so make the memories to leave behind, to leave a legacy

I encourage and challenge you to make it your mission in life to write your name on the heart of someone, I feel it is our purpose to show the love of Christ to everyone. I can think of no better way than action. It was Jesus who wrote his name on our heart the moment we believed, we are his possession, we are the child of a wonderful king.

Thank you for being there to share our sorrows, and lonesomeness at the bottom of the valley and for the joy and elation as we have the mountaintop experiences.

Help us to be comforted as we look at the goals you have set for each of us, because sometimes we can’t see the path you are clearing for us, because we get caught up and distracted by worldly things.

Knowing we can’t do it ourselves BUT when we keep our eyes on you, the self doubt fades away, as courage and peace take over and make away for the confidence to make the journey.

Thank you for giving us grace, loving us and bathing us in encouragement for the journey is long, and at times we all loose our footing.


Being a Christian doesn’t make one perfect, It doesn’t mean we don’t get tired of doing the right thing, you see the devil is busy creating the obstacles we have to contend with daily. However, the perfect love of Christ that he gave to us gives us as Christians the ability to walk through a dark world and illuminate the path to show others the way to go.

Live each day in glorious anticipation of what a wonderful gift we can give back to our LORD

All we have comes from him

the TOUGH stuff

the GOOD stuff

It’s all for a purpose

Keep your head held high

You don’t know who may need to see, the way to walk in the light of Christianity through the example you are


live your life as a journey,

choose to take the high road, leading to heaven many times it is the path less traveled, but well worth the eternal rewards

Stephanie Crowder July 201